Every time she tears up it is like I am watching a puppy being kicked. LOL HANNAH awww D: …This is what Ten looked like in all of Martha and Mickey’s wedding photos isn’t itīillie Piper cries like a motherfucking champion. Thus ends my pictures-with-deep-comments, and so begins SHAMELSS PICSPAM: ”You’re sober, and I’m ugly… but in the morning, I’ll be sober.”
Arthur Darvill 2.0 plays drunk in an absolutely hilarious way, IDEK, it cracked my shit up every time it happened. However, drunken Ben is the best Ben of all the Bens. But there are also moments when I do really like him. He is a subtler kind of douche than her other boyfriends, I think.
I think he’s gotten steadily more douchey as the series progresses – and then I remember that in s1 he worked with Belle… while… engaged.

I might not be as posh as you, but you can fuck off if you think I’m going to stand here and let you tell me that I’m cheap because I’m black.”Ī) he reminds me so much of Arthur Darvill, cannot unseeee and b) I seem to go back and forth on whether or not he is a douche. I gave up and fully embraced my love for her right around here: But obviously that was false and the reaction post led me astray, because Bambi is kickass. It took me a while to warm up to Bambi – partly because some reaction post I had read ages ago lead me to believe she was an antagonist, so I spent all of s2 being super suspicious of her the way I was suspicious of all the men in Hannah’s life. I guess the idea that some of it is true makes it easier to set aside my preconceived notions, and actually forces me to analyze those preconceived notions. I’m not sure how I would feel about the show if it was just straight-up 100% fiction. Obviously a large portion of the show is fiction and it’s not an exact replica of ~the real Belle’s~ life, but there is definitely something about the inspired-by-true-events tag that makes something more interesting and in a way more acceptable. This scene – and the women in the previous shot talking about how it’s probably written by a man – cracked me up, but I thought it raised an interesting point. There were some seriously questionable hair and makeup decisions going on in s2. Even discounting the hilarious wardrobing choices that were made in s2 to cover up Billie's pregnancy, I thought she looked way better in s3. I know she was supposed to sort of irritate me because I am supposed to be sympathizing with Hannah and she annoys Hannah, but jesus.

Consider me amused by the revenge, though. I disliked Duncan pretty instantaneously, so I was not particularly surprised by the revelation that he's a bit of a creep. It was like "yeah yeah obviously you'll break up because a) there's another season, she's not going to retire and b) the show wants me to ship Hannah/Ben". But because of the obvious OTPness, even regardless of whether or not I shipped it myself, I found Hannah/Alex and Hannah/Duncan really tiresome. I mean, they've made Hannah/Ben the obvious OTP and with s4 being the final season I'm guessing they stand more of a chance. Did I miss mention of her moving? Is it supposed to be the same place only hugely redecorated?

I liked Hannah's old apartment more than the s3 apartment. I c u, Apple advertising, with your MacBooks and your iPhones. Belle/Hannah is so likeable and funny and charming. Everyone said I would, but it still surprised me a bit - but then it seems like that is the general consensus on my flist so who even knows.